How Old Does Jewellery Need To Be For It To Be Considered As Vintage?

jewellery being repaired

Are you looking for jewellery repairs? These accessories can last a lifetime, and sometimes even more. To ensure they stay in great condition, they may need be fixed every now and then. So, what is considered ‘vintage’?

Sapphire earrings on a fabric

Vintage Jewellery Repairs

Though not set in stone, most of us refer to vintage pieces as being between 50-100 years old. Some may argue that anything over 20 years old is vintage, too. Maybe these pieces have been passed through generations or some may simply hold sentimental value because of its age, either way vintage pieces have lots of character.

Vintage accessories vary in style depending on when they were produced and the materials or techniques used when making them. Certain eras will have distinct designs, such as retro pieces.

Overtime, these accessories get more delicate, and some issues may arise with them. If you’re after jewellery repairs, ensure you call the professionals to guarantee the highest standard of craftsmanship. You’ll want to ensure all the issues are fixed, but also all adjustments should be in keeping with the charm of the pieces. Whether it’s a necklace, ring, earrings, or bracelet, finding a company that treats your property with care is important.

Jewellery Repairs

It can be worrying to hand a special piece over to someone else. Afterall, they could be family heirlooms or treasured engagement rings. At Spencer Morgan, you can have peace of mind that your property doesn’t leave our shop. Unlike many national chains, our workshop is in-house so nothing needs to be sent away. With vintage pieces, you’ll want to ensure that they keep their original charm. Our expert team make sure that any work is completed to the highest standards.

We offer many jewellery repairs, such as help with:

ring being worked on

Get In Touch With Us Today For Jewellery Repairs

Our skilled team have lots of experience with vintage pieces, so you can be sure your property is in good hands. If you have accessories just sitting in a jewellery box because they are too damaged to be used, then visit us to give them a new lease of life. Contact our store for more information on restorations and the services we offer. We also provide a cleaning service, so if your jewellery is looking a bit worse for wear, we can help put the shine back into them.

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